I woke up to the words of the hymn (silently) ringing into my ear, "Hope of Israel rise in might, with the sword of truth and right." I was exhausted from getting to bed late, as I usually do on Wednesdays to get my online homework submissions in on time! (BYU-I//Pathway have deadlines twice a week, to help keep procrastinators in-line! Yeah!)
I was out of bed within a minute and headed down to the front room. I didn't know why God wanted me up, but I know He is much wiser than I am, so I was obedient to His call. It was around 6:45 is. The Summer sun was already bright and cheerful, but oh, I felt sooo tired! I sat down on the couch and said to my husband, "Let's have spouse prayer." He replied that he couldn't kneel because of his sprained ankle (from "High Adventure last week! They hiked about 30 miles in some place like Escalante Canyons... ??)
We sat on the couch together and I snuggled my head on his shoulder. He asked if I wanted to pray. I think it's his joke because clearly I was not quite coherant (which few "night owls" are at this time of day!) My mumbled "uh-uh" led him into his prayer... "Dear Heavenly Father, we're thankful...." When he finished with an "amen" my head drooped onto the couch, but I managed to call him back for a hug.
I'm trying to make it clear that I looked like I was in a drunken stupor, but in truth I have never touched a drop of alcohol in my life!! I strictly keep the word of wisdom in my life (translated, "I'm Mormon and we don't drink, coffee, tea, alcohol, or put anything into our body such as drugs, cigarettes, etc,) If you'd like to know more you can find out here about "The Word of Wisdom."
I knelt down to pray and fell asleep again. But I heard my 17 year old son up early to head to his high school to work on robotics. I mustered the strength to climb back up on the couch and when he came up I called him over for prayer. He sat next to me, held my hand, and I put my head on his should. This time I started to pray, but he interrupted my prayer and say, "Mom, do I need to remind you that I'm in a hurry and have to walk to get to the school, or I'll be late." Point taken! He wanted a short prayer- not one of my long specialties!! I prayed quickly, but carefully for his protection and for him to listen to the voice of God as he prays throughout his day. Off he went to school when I said "amen."
I laid my head down on the armrest, knowing I would be too tired to get up again from praying. As I lay my head there, I prayed to know if I could go back to bed, or to understand why He woke me up so early when I was clearly exhausted from not having enough sleep yet!
The house was filled with the remaining quite children- sleeping soundly. But I heard one of the four rustling about the house upstairs. As I waited to see who, I clearly had the Spirit tell me why I'd been awakened with the words "comings and goings." I immediately remembered what I'd been reading about for my religion class at bedtime, and further, I knew I had been praying that I would be a better mom!
My sweet little 9 year old came down and sat by me. I told him to bring me some books to read. He brought back a stack of books and we took turns reading. I had to work hard to stay awake, but I managed, and we read some classic children's books together.
Here's what I'd been reading, by Persident Ezra Taft Benson:
"Be at the Crossroads. First, take time to always be at the
crossroads when your children are either coming or
going—when they leave and return from school, when
they leave and return from dates, when they bring
friends home. Be there at the crossroads whether your
children are six or sixteen. In Proverbs we read, “A child
left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” ( Proverbs
29:15 )" President Ezra Taft Benson
God had woken me up to be there at the start of my families day. He doesn't want me to remain in bad sleep-in Summer habits, which are easy to do with the children out of school.
It's going to take some extra effort, but I am going to try to push myself out of my night owl ways so that I can be there for my children at the start of their day.
I know I underestimate my importance and influence as a Mom, but I have been learning in my religious studies that the world needs Mother's who are willing to sacrifice for God to teach, train, and love their children with unselifishness, and to share God's vision of hope, love, and forgiveness. Indeed, I have not more important calling in life than to teach my children His ways of truth and righteousness, so that can in turn bless the lives of their future families, and all they meet. It's a large undertaking, and could be daunting, but I know that with the partnership of God, I will be able to teach His children, who I have on loan, the things he wants me to.
I'm thankful for my blessings as a wife and mother, and I hope to better understand my eternal value in the vital role I play- even though the world is sending me messages that I'm not that important, or that I should think of my needs before anyone else. It will only be through deciding to put God first and then His children that I will yields the sweet fruits of hard work and sacrifice.
May you pray to know how to be a better Mom, Dad, or general family member, and then act quickly on intentions to bless the lives of your family and friends.
I was out of bed within a minute and headed down to the front room. I didn't know why God wanted me up, but I know He is much wiser than I am, so I was obedient to His call. It was around 6:45 is. The Summer sun was already bright and cheerful, but oh, I felt sooo tired! I sat down on the couch and said to my husband, "Let's have spouse prayer." He replied that he couldn't kneel because of his sprained ankle (from "High Adventure last week! They hiked about 30 miles in some place like Escalante Canyons... ??)
We sat on the couch together and I snuggled my head on his shoulder. He asked if I wanted to pray. I think it's his joke because clearly I was not quite coherant (which few "night owls" are at this time of day!) My mumbled "uh-uh" led him into his prayer... "Dear Heavenly Father, we're thankful...." When he finished with an "amen" my head drooped onto the couch, but I managed to call him back for a hug.
I'm trying to make it clear that I looked like I was in a drunken stupor, but in truth I have never touched a drop of alcohol in my life!! I strictly keep the word of wisdom in my life (translated, "I'm Mormon and we don't drink, coffee, tea, alcohol, or put anything into our body such as drugs, cigarettes, etc,) If you'd like to know more you can find out here about "The Word of Wisdom."
I knelt down to pray and fell asleep again. But I heard my 17 year old son up early to head to his high school to work on robotics. I mustered the strength to climb back up on the couch and when he came up I called him over for prayer. He sat next to me, held my hand, and I put my head on his should. This time I started to pray, but he interrupted my prayer and say, "Mom, do I need to remind you that I'm in a hurry and have to walk to get to the school, or I'll be late." Point taken! He wanted a short prayer- not one of my long specialties!! I prayed quickly, but carefully for his protection and for him to listen to the voice of God as he prays throughout his day. Off he went to school when I said "amen."
I laid my head down on the armrest, knowing I would be too tired to get up again from praying. As I lay my head there, I prayed to know if I could go back to bed, or to understand why He woke me up so early when I was clearly exhausted from not having enough sleep yet!

My sweet little 9 year old came down and sat by me. I told him to bring me some books to read. He brought back a stack of books and we took turns reading. I had to work hard to stay awake, but I managed, and we read some classic children's books together.
Here's what I'd been reading, by Persident Ezra Taft Benson:
"Be at the Crossroads. First, take time to always be at the
crossroads when your children are either coming or
going—when they leave and return from school, when
they leave and return from dates, when they bring
friends home. Be there at the crossroads whether your
children are six or sixteen. In Proverbs we read, “A child
left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” ( Proverbs
29:15 )" President Ezra Taft Benson
God had woken me up to be there at the start of my families day. He doesn't want me to remain in bad sleep-in Summer habits, which are easy to do with the children out of school.
It's going to take some extra effort, but I am going to try to push myself out of my night owl ways so that I can be there for my children at the start of their day.
I know I underestimate my importance and influence as a Mom, but I have been learning in my religious studies that the world needs Mother's who are willing to sacrifice for God to teach, train, and love their children with unselifishness, and to share God's vision of hope, love, and forgiveness. Indeed, I have not more important calling in life than to teach my children His ways of truth and righteousness, so that can in turn bless the lives of their future families, and all they meet. It's a large undertaking, and could be daunting, but I know that with the partnership of God, I will be able to teach His children, who I have on loan, the things he wants me to.
I'm thankful for my blessings as a wife and mother, and I hope to better understand my eternal value in the vital role I play- even though the world is sending me messages that I'm not that important, or that I should think of my needs before anyone else. It will only be through deciding to put God first and then His children that I will yields the sweet fruits of hard work and sacrifice.
May you pray to know how to be a better Mom, Dad, or general family member, and then act quickly on intentions to bless the lives of your family and friends.
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