I was reading an interesting section of scripture in the Bible. John 13:33-17 reads:

Another major aspect of my heart is that I've decided to give far more service to others outside my home. I used to excuse myself from serving very often, because I have my hands full with 5 young children.
I used to say to myself such things as, "I can't go clean the church, because if I'm going to clean it's going to be in my own home." Or, "I can't take dinner or cookies to anyone, because I have a large family of my own." Or, "I can't talk in church they don't understand me (or I have too many problems of my own to try and write a talk for church)."
That ugly tune has changed. I serve whenever and wherever I can. I often take dinner to people, or cookies, visits, etc. I open my voice in church far more than I used to, in sharing my love of the Savior. It's been among my favorite ways that I feel joy and hope. I know that I grown in my ability to feel greater depths of love from serving.
I hope you will take verse John 13: 17 to heart: "If ye know these things, ahappy are ye if ye do them."
I assure you that if you serve with genuine desire to please your Heavenly Father you can't help but feel joy. And even if you only serve out of an attempt to feel joy, without having yet developed a genuine desire to do it for God---just the desire perhaps to feel happier (or another good reason)--- it's still hard not to feel some amount of satisfaction and happiness.
I hope you will look around you and pray for opportunities to serve. In this world of hopelessness, hurt, and despair the opportunities to brighten someones day are endless.

14 If I then, your Lord and aMaster, have bwashed your feet; ye also ought to cwash one another’s dfeet.
15 For I have given you an aexample, that ye should do as I have done to you.
16 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him.
17 If ye know these things, ahappy are ye if ye do them.
Let me tell you how I understand these scriptural verses...
If our Savior, who would shortly thereafter die on the cross for our sins and all this sins of the world, was willing to wash the feet of his disciples, why should I hesitate to symbolically wash the feet (i.e. serve and bless) of those around me.
The past year has been a major turning point for me. I have learned more about what real love is, what putting off idleness means, and I have learned that what a thought was happiness was so limiting compared to the joy and peace I feel now. Why? Well, because I made some big improvements in my life, as it relates to God.
I used to pray often as I went about my day, but I was lazy and rarely got down on my knees. My prayers were fairly short. I used to read the scriptures only occasionally (as I'm LDS/Mormon--that includes The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price...You can find all of these at this link (Easiest to select book from left hand side. Free apps and downloads. And amazing scripture keyword search features! http://www.lds.org/scriptures?lang=eng). I used to be late to church every Sunday. And the list goes on.

I was essentially trying to be a righteous person, but in the easiest and laziest way possible. I wanted special blessings from God, but I didn't want to have to put too much effort in. Besides, I made a lot of excuses for myself. My motto was something like, "He knows me best, and He knows I cannot do what the others are doing. He understands the pain and ramifications left over from my childhood, and he knows I was left to live with the scars."
The problem with such mottos, though there is a great deal of truth there, is that it's all a BIG EXCUSE. While it's true Heavenly Father loves me as I am, he still wants to see me do better and improve. With my own children I want to see them work harder. I don't want them to do things in a mediocre way. I was scarred from a traumatic childhood, but I've learned that God doesn't want us to settle for less. He wants us to have hope for more, and faith that he can heal us. I have felt his healing power in my life, and know it is very real.

By replacing the hopelessness and acceptance of mediocrity of my heart --with hope and increased faith, I've also chosen to have a change of heart. Indeed, I have been given a new heart!
Now I refuse to miss a day of scripture study. I kneel not just once a day but several times a day. I also pray much longer, with greater fervor and desire to express my gratitude to God, as well as to pray and listen and learn of what he would have me do with my life. I am NEVER late to church now (nor have I been in a year!)... I prepare clothing the night before for my family of 7. Because of these changes, many other wonderful and even miraculous changes can be seen not only in the actions of my heart, but also my home, and even in the better behavior of my children!)
These changes have required a lot of effort on my part, because it means I try and think of God's will above my own will. (This has been a challenge, because I have always been a "strong willed girl," and I've always liked to do things my way!) Now throughout my day, I pray a lot whether kneeling or in silent prayer --whether at work, with my family and friends, or creating my art. I'm trying to learn what God's will is for me, instead. I have a few attributes I always pray for. Among which it to be able to put off the natural man, take the name of the Savior more upon my heart, and to plead for His gift of Charity (See:1 Corinthians 13 --which is another topic for another time.).
Let me tell you how I understand these scriptural verses...
If our Savior, who would shortly thereafter die on the cross for our sins and all this sins of the world, was willing to wash the feet of his disciples, why should I hesitate to symbolically wash the feet (i.e. serve and bless) of those around me.
The past year has been a major turning point for me. I have learned more about what real love is, what putting off idleness means, and I have learned that what a thought was happiness was so limiting compared to the joy and peace I feel now. Why? Well, because I made some big improvements in my life, as it relates to God.
I used to pray often as I went about my day, but I was lazy and rarely got down on my knees. My prayers were fairly short. I used to read the scriptures only occasionally (as I'm LDS/Mormon--that includes The Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Pearl of Great Price...You can find all of these at this link (Easiest to select book from left hand side. Free apps and downloads. And amazing scripture keyword search features! http://www.lds.org/scriptures?lang=eng). I used to be late to church every Sunday. And the list goes on.

I was essentially trying to be a righteous person, but in the easiest and laziest way possible. I wanted special blessings from God, but I didn't want to have to put too much effort in. Besides, I made a lot of excuses for myself. My motto was something like, "He knows me best, and He knows I cannot do what the others are doing. He understands the pain and ramifications left over from my childhood, and he knows I was left to live with the scars."
The problem with such mottos, though there is a great deal of truth there, is that it's all a BIG EXCUSE. While it's true Heavenly Father loves me as I am, he still wants to see me do better and improve. With my own children I want to see them work harder. I don't want them to do things in a mediocre way. I was scarred from a traumatic childhood, but I've learned that God doesn't want us to settle for less. He wants us to have hope for more, and faith that he can heal us. I have felt his healing power in my life, and know it is very real.

By replacing the hopelessness and acceptance of mediocrity of my heart --with hope and increased faith, I've also chosen to have a change of heart. Indeed, I have been given a new heart!
Now I refuse to miss a day of scripture study. I kneel not just once a day but several times a day. I also pray much longer, with greater fervor and desire to express my gratitude to God, as well as to pray and listen and learn of what he would have me do with my life. I am NEVER late to church now (nor have I been in a year!)... I prepare clothing the night before for my family of 7. Because of these changes, many other wonderful and even miraculous changes can be seen not only in the actions of my heart, but also my home, and even in the better behavior of my children!)

I used to say to myself such things as, "I can't go clean the church, because if I'm going to clean it's going to be in my own home." Or, "I can't take dinner or cookies to anyone, because I have a large family of my own." Or, "I can't talk in church they don't understand me (or I have too many problems of my own to try and write a talk for church)."
That ugly tune has changed. I serve whenever and wherever I can. I often take dinner to people, or cookies, visits, etc. I open my voice in church far more than I used to, in sharing my love of the Savior. It's been among my favorite ways that I feel joy and hope. I know that I grown in my ability to feel greater depths of love from serving.
I hope you will take verse John 13: 17 to heart: "If ye know these things, ahappy are ye if ye do them."
I assure you that if you serve with genuine desire to please your Heavenly Father you can't help but feel joy. And even if you only serve out of an attempt to feel joy, without having yet developed a genuine desire to do it for God---just the desire perhaps to feel happier (or another good reason)--- it's still hard not to feel some amount of satisfaction and happiness.
I hope you will look around you and pray for opportunities to serve. In this world of hopelessness, hurt, and despair the opportunities to brighten someones day are endless.
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