I don't have a vehicle any more. Our transmission went out on the van. And there is no money to fix it.
Getting around is a challenge, but it has been a good learning lesson for me. It has reminded me to be grateful for what I do have. Especially for the healthy feet and body that can carry me around my community as I walk around to visit with various friends on any given day. I'm also especially thankful for the friends, who come to my rescue when I need help.
Today I really wanted to go to a nearby LDS temple. I needed solace after my feelings of last night. My friend, M. came to my aid and drove me. We both went to the temple together and renewed our friendship. Afterward, she stopped me at Staples to pick up two amazing BYU Speeches. And then she took me to Walmart for a few things. (Milk in specific. It's no fun to be without milk with so many children!)
I used to be the one to take a disabled family member around to various stores, because she doesn't have a vehicle. I tried to be cheerful, but occasionally I found it more of an annoyance to go to 5 places in one day. After this experience of being with my cheerful friend, I realized that when I have a car again some day, that I will remember this experience and try to treat her with greater care and compassion.
Mosiah 4:12-13 (Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ)
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the alove of God, and always bretain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the cknowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.
13 And ye will not have a amind to injure one another, but to livebpeaceably, and to render to every man according to that which is his due.

your hours of need. And that you will be the kind of friend to yourself and others that you most love.
I hope that if you are lonely that you will seek to know Heavenly Father better through prayer. Give him your loneliness and burdens, and pray for His guidance to teach you and reshape you, and restructure the life you are living. It is possible.
I have been blessed by Heavenly Father, through the powerful grace of Jesus Christ's atonement. I never knew that life could be so richly rewarding and happy. I never knew I could become someone more. I have become a new person through Christ, and so CAN YOU!
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