Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The Maze of Life

I'm so happy to be back.  It's been a long month or so.  I've been working so hard around our house to finish my long to-do list that I shared with you a post or two ago.  I've also been without a computer for weeks now.  That was hard, because I love to express myself through writing!  But, I'm back, so let me share some of my reminders of Heavenly Father's awareness of his children.

I woke up hearing this song into my thoughts.  As with many songs, I do not feel it is coincidence.  I knew it was a message about my life (each of our lives)!  The way we spend our time.  The places we make effort and hard work.  The pruning and refining of beautiful roses and pesterous moles and weeds.  But in the end we have a sublime experience in the garden of our lives!!

  1. Definition of sublime (adj)

    • sub·lime
    • [ sə blī́m ]
    1. beautiful: so awe-inspiringly beautiful as to seem almost heavenly
    2. morally worthy: of the highest moral or spiritual value
    3. complete: complete or utter
    synonyms: beautiful · inspiring · inspirational · uplifting · awe-inspiring · moving

( See if you can read into it the meaning I did.)

Plant a hedge, cut it back
Dig a hole try to fill it
Plant a rose, tie it back
Find a mole, try to kill it

It's a maze this garden, it's a maze of ways
Any man can spend his day
It's a maze, this garden, it's a maze of paths
But a soul can find the way

For an old man knows how a year it goes
How the cold hard ground in the spring comes 'round
How the seeds take hold and the birds unfold
How an English garden grows

Skip, skipped the ladies to the master's gate
Sip, sipped the ladies while the master ate
Tiptoed the chambermaids and stole their pearls
Snip, snipped the gardener and cut off their curls

Come along, love, come fly away, fly along
Come along, fly away home
Come along, love, you've come a long way
You've flown all the day, fly away home

Miss a step, trip and fall
Miss the path, meet the wall
Miss the way, miss a turn
Getting lost is how you learn

It's a maze, this garden, it's a maze of paths
Meant to lead a man astray
Take a left and then, turning left again
How a soul can find the way

For an old man knows how a year it goes
How the cold hard ground in the spring comes 'round
How in time it shows how a garden grows
How an English garden grows
How the roses climb
How sublime the time
When an English garden grows

With all but one of my 5 children back in school all day, I am going to try even harder to improve the hours I've been allotted.

My new prayers are filled with fervor to grow in my love and gratitude for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

I am also praying to REMEMBER. I am praying to remember special memories of family and friends, in hopes that I can find some healing to things that cause my heart to hurt.  If we can remember the past---especially thinking with gratitude upon those touching, beautiful moments of loving emotion--- I believe we can be healed of the numbing effects of forgetfulness.

I'm praying with renewed fervor to have charity as a blessing from Heavenly Father.  I need that charity, compassion, empathy.  I need that love, more than anything, to help me accept others as they are, and are capable of becoming.  (Not how I feel they SHOULD be now!)  

Heavenly Father has been patient with me in my learning.  I owe the same to my children, family, and all I associate with.  I may not always agree with them, but I need to love them despite my (hopefully silent) disagreements.
 Only take aheed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou bforget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but cteach them thydsons, and thy sons’ sons;"   
Deuteronomy 4:9
I hope you, my readers are well.  Keep the faith, even when it feels like things could not get better.  Our loving creator has your best interest in mind and heart.

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