The other day as I walked past a mirror I heard a beautiful melody. I prayed that if it was a message that the Spirit of God would help me recall it. As I hummed the words began to tumble into my conscious recollection. I looked into the mirror with melancholy knowing that my heart is knowing to God:
"How in the midst of all this sorrow
Can so much hope and love endure
I was innocent and certain
Now I'm wiser but unsure."
I knew the ultimate message was the sum of meaning...
"Days in the sun will return once more..."
I am so very blessed. Of that, I cannot deny. There is no shortage of smiles on my face these days. I
even find opportunities to laugh. Why just yesterday, I laughed with my husband and children as we caught a glimpse of some funny realty photos... like these toilets which are much too reminiscent of my worst toilet dreams! You know the kind, don’t you, when you are desperate to find a toilet and then you suddenly walk into a room with 2 toilets which are of course placed in the middle of a public view?!! Haha... true story.

Thankfully she was very patient with my overtired 7-year-old me!)

But the truth is that I'm having a hard time making se
nse of everything these days because of the painful messages the turmoil and shadow of doubt has cast upon me. But I must cling to what I know.
And, what I know is that I am a beloved child of Heavenly Father.
I know He is watching out for me, granting me special blessings, and giving me comfort and assurance that He loves me.
I know that His can be perfectly trusted because he NEVER makes mistakes. He really knows what he's doing, and He sees the big eternal picture which a blurry to my view.
If I keep trying to prepare myself spiritually and heed His voice quickly, He will guide me safely through the trials of life. I don't need all the answers. I just need the Lord to light the way before me as He sees fit. Even if it's just a small warm ray of light to lead me through what feels like a much longer passageway of darkness. With my hand in the Savior's I really will be safe.
It's a bit of a tangent, but I saw this meme the other day and while it was pretty and I initially chucked, I knew immediately that I disagree with it. In my situation I have what appears to be every reason to go and become "hell fire" with two particular people who have lied about me, but instead God has helped to tame my heart and has helped me to act with forgiveness and grace.
In past years of the old me, I would have given someone my two-cents (or twenty!) and been filled with wrath, resentment, and anger-- but that's not me anymore. I recognize that while there are terrible wrongs and injustices on this earth that I can actually be at peace and understand that God's love reaches to all of his children-- no matter what poor choices they may make. I have made many grievous mistakes in my past and I'm thankful that others gave me room to change and improve (a.k.a. repent). I can give others the same chance to repent. None of us are perfect and we rely upon the perfect grace and mercy of Jesus Christ each day to help us through our weaknesses and sins in the mortal and fallen condition which we leave. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE to become CLEAN THROUGH the Blood of JESUS!
Please understand: Not giving someone my two sense, doesn't mean that I won't stand up for myself. I have and will continue to stand up for myself and truth now and in the future, BUT should I feel it necessary, and responsible, and (ideally) approved of by God to give someone a “piece of my mind” I will now go about it in an effort to show the patient love of God and not with a “hell fire” attitude. I don’t want anything to do with hell or the devil, if I can help it! (Losing one’s temper that way pleases the devil- not God.)
We read in 1 Corinthians 13: "Charity suffereth long..." (and many other wonderful traits of charity= love).
I won't let myself be victimized by the terrible decisions of others, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to become angry and bitter either (at least not long enough to let it affect my reasoning). If I were to remain bitter, I'd be letting the perpetrators in my life too much control over my joy. I find that as I pray and seek God in all things, that he helps me to manage my emotions.
Because I'm mortal I am certainly affected by the choice of others, but with the help of God I will never stay down in the pit of despair or bitterness.
God has the power to lift, heal, bless,
and compensate for any injustice or wrong.
If we seek Him,
we will have the reward of these blessings
and many more!
I think about that beautiful scripture right now:
"...nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." 1 Timothy 1:12

As I study his word and seek things of holiness, I know that God will help me keep my commitments to His covenants. I will see a day of joy and rejoicing and promised blessings through the power of Jesus Christ. For now, I do not need to feel ashamed at doing the best I know how to be a faithful daughter of God.
Please join with me and cling to Christ and seek Him Every day. As we sacrifice things of the world
"and seek for things of a better" (Doctrine and Covenants 25:10) With Heavenly Father's help we will be filled with every spiritual gift that we need to make it through the rough and rocky terrains of life.
My usual "Sunday selfie." Taken 11 August 2019:) |
Keep Trying--even if you don’t have all the answer!
Love, Christine
P.S. I really hold very few songs to be coincidence. Often, I have found them to be very clear answers or direction from God. One morning upon waking up back in March 2019 (shortly before the terrible series of recent events that took place in my life) I learned through 3 different songs that played immediately back to back upon waking one morning that my friend had done something terrible and that I was to forgive him and trust the Lord.
I must admit that I still shook with worry, but I also prayerfully renewed my trust in the almighty hand of God to make weak things become strong. It wasn't surprising when terrible things began to happen. My hope was/is anchored in the Lord's capacity to rescue me. And he has! I still contend with the long-term ramifications of what was said and done, but I have a clear conscience that I’m trying (albeit imperfectly) to love in the Lord’s way. And really, does anything else matter besides trying to love as He wants us to?! NO! His approval is all we will ever need!
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