My husband and I (when my neck isn't hurting!:) |
My children need a Mom! |
Normally, with this kind of pain I'd stay in bed all day. I intended to in fact. I could use it as an excuse to rest and watch movies and be waited upon! But, as I knelt in my morning prayer (and trust me, I considered using my neck as an excuse not to kneel, but decided God would see through the transparency of my soul if I did that, because he'd know it was my desire to be lazy) I heard words to a hymn, "you can not bid the sunshine to lengthen out its stay. Improve the shining moments. Work while the sun is radiant;Work, for the night draws nigh." (See complete words here at the music site that I get them :)
My son spraying the sprinkler at the back window. |
Because of that hymn, and other considerations for the future I am trying to prepare myself and my children for, I decided I would work. Even if it was slow and trudging...and yes, perhaps a little begrudging, I worked all day. It was a slow day of sorting, separating, folding, tossing trash, etc... but, in the end I felt like I had something to be proud of---even though it was just a very small success in the scheme of things.
My two crazy "SUPER Hero" boys leaping from my bed to my recliner! |
Out of the four hymns that not-coincidentally played into my thoughts today (including
"Gently Raise the Sacred Strain"
Little M playing the harmonica. |
Doctrine and Covenants 64:33
Wherefore, be not aweary in bwell-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of csmall things proceedeth that which is great.
Alma 34:32-33
32 For behold, this alife is the time for men to bprepare to meet God; yea, behold the day of cthis life is the day for men to perform their dlabors.

(read also 2 Timothy 2: 3, 22 and Isaiah 1:16-18)
For the sake of my children and posterity, I must change for the better. I hope you'll join me on this arduous, sometimes exhausting, but heavenly rewarding journey. I know through the power of the atonement of Jesus Christ we can do all things!
P.S. Sorry, but none of my photos are edited today, so I realize they aren't as bright and colorful as usual. :P
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