You see, I feel I understand a few of the future heartaches God is preparing and strengthening me for. So why, then, I asked, should things in our current condition play out as they appear they are going to? Immediately I heard into my thoughts I hear the words to a hymn: "Not only shall we emulate His course while in this earthly state But when we're freed from present cares, If 

with our Lord we would be heirs."
Translated by me to mean, that in order to know my Savior, Jesus Christ, and become pure like him, I too must also walk, at times, the same lonely path that he walked. I must experience pain and suffering, and by so doing I will be growing spiritually. From the hardships of life I will be preparing for the glories and joys of eternity. The trials of mortality will help me become more than anything I can possible imagine. My limited words and my short-sided understanding can't even grasp it all, much less explain it well.

And ye shall be hated (or perhaps translated at time as, lonely, made fun of, misunderstood) of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
May we be able to keep our focus as we face heartaches that seem too hard for us to bear. We can! We can bear all things "through Christ which strengtheneth" us! (Philipians and 4:13)
Life is worth living. May you have the comfort of God in your hearts and minds.
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