I'm sorry friends. I haven't been very good at writing the last several month. I started back to school, and I even took a major costuming job for The Little Mermaid.
But, in celebration of today I wanted to stop in and say Hi!
I am not quite where I hoped to be today, but I have seen the hand of God every day this past year (and well beyond!). He has helped me through the tears and sorrow, and I actually have gotten to a very good, safe, happy, and very peaceful place in my life...and especially my soul!
I have remained faithful to God, and without excuse I have continued to read my scriptures daily, say my prayers daily, study BYU Speeches and LDS Conference talks daily, attend the LDS Temple each week, and I find ways to give service daily and weekly.
I don't share those things to boast. I share them to teach you the basic steps to be happy. I know I used to wonder how some people seem so happy and in tune with God. I have learned that it takes a lot of effort and a lot of sacrifice. I have changed from wanting my way, to wanting with all my heart the will of God. #ThereIShopethroughChrist
When I was the costume designer for The Little Mermaid I had a vision for how I wanted the actors to look. I spent more than 300 hours sewing and designing. They looked amazing.... except those who didn't want to wear the costumes as I'd planned. One girl always gave me trouble with parts of her costume, and blatantly wouldn't wear it most nights of this 2 week show! Another up and cut up part of my costume that I'd spent time creating for her.
I was of course frustrated at the lack of gratitude. When I took it to God in prayer I learned that while I had a small, symbolic/literal part of creation-- that he Had a BIGGER creation. And the most important creation was us-- And I realized that we have our agency, and often use that agency with selfishness and ingratitude- just like the actors I costumed!
I also realized that just like me, He has a grand vision of our lives. And we sometimes think we know better and we want to step in and change or alter things to suit our desires not his.
The play looked beautiful, despite some hang-ups. But it would have been far more beautiful if people
had remained true to my creation and vision for them!
Let us pray for gratitude and acceptance. Let us give him ALL of our hearts and submit cheerfully.
There is a master plan and time. Let us be patient. There are marvelous glories to come!
Here's the text format of the above poster. A special thanks to DANI who created the beautiful scripture meme (from: http://livelovelearnandrepeat.blogspot.com/2012/03/natural-man.html)
But, in celebration of today I wanted to stop in and say Hi!
I am not quite where I hoped to be today, but I have seen the hand of God every day this past year (and well beyond!). He has helped me through the tears and sorrow, and I actually have gotten to a very good, safe, happy, and very peaceful place in my life...and especially my soul!
I have remained faithful to God, and without excuse I have continued to read my scriptures daily, say my prayers daily, study BYU Speeches and LDS Conference talks daily, attend the LDS Temple each week, and I find ways to give service daily and weekly.
I don't share those things to boast. I share them to teach you the basic steps to be happy. I know I used to wonder how some people seem so happy and in tune with God. I have learned that it takes a lot of effort and a lot of sacrifice. I have changed from wanting my way, to wanting with all my heart the will of God. #ThereIShopethroughChrist
I have accepted that He does things in His own time.
I have accepted that WHATEVER happens to me, that I will be thankful.
When I was the costume designer for The Little Mermaid I had a vision for how I wanted the actors to look. I spent more than 300 hours sewing and designing. They looked amazing.... except those who didn't want to wear the costumes as I'd planned. One girl always gave me trouble with parts of her costume, and blatantly wouldn't wear it most nights of this 2 week show! Another up and cut up part of my costume that I'd spent time creating for her.
I was of course frustrated at the lack of gratitude. When I took it to God in prayer I learned that while I had a small, symbolic/literal part of creation-- that he Had a BIGGER creation. And the most important creation was us-- And I realized that we have our agency, and often use that agency with selfishness and ingratitude- just like the actors I costumed!
I also realized that just like me, He has a grand vision of our lives. And we sometimes think we know better and we want to step in and change or alter things to suit our desires not his.
The play looked beautiful, despite some hang-ups. But it would have been far more beautiful if people
had remained true to my creation and vision for them!

There is a master plan and time. Let us be patient. There are marvelous glories to come!
Here's the text format of the above poster. A special thanks to DANI who created the beautiful scripture meme (from: http://livelovelearnandrepeat.blogspot.com/2012/03/natural-man.html)
Mosiah 3:19
"For the natural man is an enemy to God,
and has been from the fall of Adam,
and will be, forever and ever,
UNLESS he yields to the enticings of the Holy Spirit,
and putteth off the natural man
and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord,
and becometh as a child,
full of love,
willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him,
even as a child doth submit to his father."
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