"That ye may be the children of your Father who is in heaven..." 3 Nephi 12:45I find it interesting that it doesn't say, "that ye may grow out of your childhood, into independent adults, or, worse yet, rebellious teenagers" but it instead references us as children.
I really like these two other references to children, though there are plenty more.
Moroni 8:17
"7 And I am filled with charity, which is everlasting love; wherefore, all children are alike unto me; wherefore, I love little children with a perfect love; and they are all alike and partakers of salvation."
"...become as a little child," (3 Nephi 11:37-38)
"...become as a little child," (3 Nephi 11:37-38)
What might we consider, and learn from in this simple line, "be the children" or "become as a little child"-- unrelated to specifically related scriptures?
Well, we could first ask; Whose children are we? Answered, in reference, we clearly know, "I am a child of my 'Father who is in heaven.'"
Well, we could first ask; Whose children are we? Answered, in reference, we clearly know, "I am a child of my 'Father who is in heaven.'"
Other questions I think of:
- Why should we be like children?
- Does God really want us to be like children?
- What are the qualities of children?
- Is there a difference of acting childish, versus acting like a child?
- Do I act like a childlike? Or do I act childish?
Definition of childlike: resembling or suggesting a child : like that of a child; especially : having or showing the pleasing qualities (such as innocence) that children often have
: resembling, suggesting, or appropriate to a child or childhood; especially : marked by innocence, trust, and ingenuousness <childlike delight>
When you think of positive qualities of children, what do you think of?
Off the top of my head I think of most children as happy, trusting, loving, sweet, believing, admiring of beauty, curious, teachable, flexible, forgiving.
And then I ask myself.
- Am I happy?
- Am I trusting?
- Am I loving?
- Am I sweet?
- Am I believing?
- Am I admiring of beauty?
- Am I curious?
- Am I teachable?
- Am I flexible?
- Am I forgiving?
You may ask, "Okay, so children usually are a soft, sweet, ball of love and goodness, with bright eyes, and open manner and expressiveness- what does that have to do with me, and the scriptures?"
It has everything to do with the scriptures. I really think he wants us to be like children, all while maintaining the need to also be caregivers ourselves to our children, grand-children, peers, and anyone who comes across our path. I think he really wants us to learn to see the world again- through the eyes of a child!
I think that God, our Heavenly Father wants us to ask ourselves those questions regularly. I think he wants us to ask ourselves questions like this:
"If I have a Father in Heaven, what does that mean to me?"
"How can I ever be like a child?! I'm all grown up now, and I'm set in my ways. Not to mention, I'm made some big mistakes. I could never be like a children, can I?!"
Let's prayerfully explore some answers to those questions.
When you needed help growing up, who did you go to?
When you were hurt, who did you go to?
When you felt sad, sick, lonely, or tired, who did you go to?
I hope that you are able to think of someone, who cared for you. (Though, I sadly acknowledge that too
many of you may have had sad childhoods, I am not able to address that here.) I hope you can think of a Mother, Father, Grandmother or Grandfather, Sister, or Brother, who cared for you!
I hope that you, my readers, felt safe, and cared for growing up-- with food to eat, a safe shelter, and warm, comfortable clothes to protect you. Most of all, I hope you felt loved. Deeply, and truly loved, by the care of those over your protection. When we consider the qualities of children and their relationship with their parents(or caregivers), we realized that they are dependent upon the direction and care of our Father or Mother.
What I also find so interesting, is that as children, they are generally able to forgive quickly (Of course, I realize that for children with mental health issues, this is not always the case. But, we will focus on the "norm" for now.) It doesn't seem to matter if the offending adult yelled, spanked, or removed their favorite toy- under normal, and fairly healthy living conditions children are generally able to forgive and move forward in that relationship- feeling safe. *(see note at bottom on the serious flip-side of this)
I think this is why references of being like "a little child," or "be the children" of our Heavenly Father is a directive for us.
When a child is in need, who do they go to for help? Generally speaking, a Mother, or Father, or someone else, who has taken on the parent role in their impressionable life. The child innately knows who to turn to for help and direction. Just as children generally seek out a caregiver, we also need to seek out our Heavenly Father.
If we loved a little child dearly, and they got hurt, would we want them to not come to us for help, and instead just cry off in a corner somewhere? What if they were so badly hurt, because of a choice they made- so serious an injury that they could die--would we want them to come to us, or would we tell them to just die, because it's their fault?!
If we are mental healthy, we would never say that to a child or anyone, for that matter. We'd say, "Oh, I'm so sad that you are hurt. Come to me, and let me help you."

I know how hard it is to comprehend a just and merciful, loving, all-knowing God. I especially know how hard it is to understand that a father could be so tender and loving with me. But, I have come to understand that the nature of God, or Father, is far more loving than I can completely understand. Heavenly Father loves us, and through the voice of His son, Jesus Christ, we know His feelings for us,
and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
It doesn't matter, who you are, or where you've been in this life-- we must become like the sweet little children, whose faces are bright with hope and love in their eyes, and in the works of their heart. We must look longingly toward Savior, Jesus Christ, and toward our Father in Heaven, and then, and only then can our burdens of sin be washed clean through the atoning power of Jesus Christ.
We can repent! We are loved! We are children of a perfect Father. Unlike some father's and mothers, our God will never fail us- but we must reach out, and offer Him our hands and our lives to take us gently by the hand and lead us along.
If you don't know where to start, please leave a message, comment to me, or visit: www.mormons.org
Let us focus our energies on developing the qualities of those precious children around us, so that we may have the hearts and minds to be "young and heart!" Let us also strengthen the children, and ourselves, by praying daily, and being quick to love, and quick to find beauty.
My blogpost, is not even remotely all encompassing, but I would encourage you to pray with all your heart for God, the Father to help guide your life, so that you can learn how to improve whatever situation you are in.
We all have room to improve.
We all have things to learn.
We all need to learn to be flexible to change and to the will of our Father.
We all have cuts and injuries (literal and figurative), which need to be healed.
Through Heavenly Father's son, Jesus Christ- we have all the help we will ever need.
As we each seek the Lord, and seek his help, he will lead us home to Him.
I pray that our ours will be open to the needs of the children around us.
I pray that we will see everyone through the eyes of a loving Father in Heaven.
I pray we will bend our will, and our knees in prayer, that we will know of His will for us, INDIVIDUALLY!

many of you may have had sad childhoods, I am not able to address that here.) I hope you can think of a Mother, Father, Grandmother or Grandfather, Sister, or Brother, who cared for you!

If you don't know where to start, please leave a message, comment to me, or visit: www.mormons.org
Let us focus our energies on developing the qualities of those precious children around us, so that we may have the hearts and minds to be "young and heart!" Let us also strengthen the children, and ourselves, by praying daily, and being quick to love, and quick to find beauty.

Psalms 71:2
Deliver me in thy righteousness, and cause me to escape: incline thine ear unto me, and save me.
God will listen to us, as we seek Him. If we incline (lean toward him) and listen, he will help us to overcome, and ultimately we will escape the dangers of this life- all through His power.
May you feel His love and joy upon your heart, as you seek to see the world through bright, and thankful eyes of a child.
A note about Abuse=======
* I understand what volatile, danger care givers can do to the life of a child. The affects can be very damaging, and don't grow out of a person, just because they "grow up. Harm for men, women, and children requires extra help. All children should be blessed to feel safe, and as caregivers, it is our God given duty to care for the spirit children, whom he has loaned us to care for and keep safe.
I personally understand the harm that comes of abuse. In children it leads to issues of insecurity and extreme levels of mistrust, which can last through adulthood. I know, because I was that child. I didn't voice my fears at 7, but I knew where I felt safe- which was generally a dark closet, or a bush, or box. Here are some symptoms to look for in abused children (They didn't list things like hiding in dark closets, or never leaving a bedroom for hours or days on end, but I KNOW those are symptoms of a problem, because that's where I spent too many hours.)
Please know that Heavenly Father works miracles, but He also expects us to leave situations that are dangerous to ourselves, and/or our children!
I have seen God's miracles in my life, and He has helped me change my mind from a depressed unhappy person, to a happy, hopeful person- but it came at a price of sacrifice. I had to make a lot of changes, and reach out to health care professional, bishops, family, and friends, to help me learn how to make the changes that I needed to make, which were in direct relation to my childhood abuse.
But whether you were abuse, or had a great childhood, and have just made some really bad choices- please understand--- No one,--
and I repeat NO ONE-- deserves to be abused in any form! It doesn't matter what you've done, or what you think you've done-- You are worth being treated right!
There are counselors, and church clergy, community resources, family and friends, who can be a source of safety and starting a new life.
Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline
"If you're concerned that your child or another child has been abused, seek help immediately.
If the child needs immediate medical attention, call 911 or your local emergency number. Depending on the situation, contact the child's doctor, a local child protective agency, the police department, or a 24-hour hotline such as Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (800-422-4453).
As an aside, I discovered this song yesterday, and I didn't quite understand what it meant. Now meaning to songs are often dependent upon our experiences and perspectives, but the message of this Mother, resonated deeply with me. I hope she stuck to her hard choice and did what was best for her children! I will share the song, lyrics, and her interpretation.
In high seas or in low seas
I'm gonna be your friend,
I'm gonna be your friend.
In high tide or in low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
(I heard her praying, praying, praying)
I said, I heard my mother,
She was praying (praying, praying, praying)
And the words that she said (the words that she said),
They still linger in my head (lingers in my head),
She said, "A child is born in this world,
He needs protection,
God, guide and protect us,
When we're wrong, please correct us.
(When we're wrong, correct us).
And stand by me. " yeah!
In high seas or in low seas,
I'm gonna be your friend,
He said, "I'm gonna be your friend."
And, baby, in high tide or low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
I said I heard my mother,
She was crying' (I heard her crying'), yeah! (crying', crying'),
And the tears that she she'd (the tears that she shed)
They still linger in my head (lingers in my head)
She said: "A child is born in this world,
He needs protection,
God, guide and protect us,
When we're wrong, (when we're wrong), correct us.
And in high seas or low seas,
I'm gonna be your friend,
I'm gonna be your friend.
Said, high tide or low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
M. S. L.
Nov 27, 2014 at 6:09 am
May you feel His love and joy upon your heart, as you seek to see the world through bright, and thankful eyes of a child.


I'm gonna be your friend,
I'm gonna be your friend.
In high tide or in low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
(I heard her praying, praying, praying)
I said, I heard my mother,
She was praying (praying, praying, praying)
And the words that she said (the words that she said),
They still linger in my head (lingers in my head),
She said, "A child is born in this world,
He needs protection,
God, guide and protect us,
When we're wrong, please correct us.
(When we're wrong, correct us).
And stand by me. " yeah!
In high seas or in low seas,
I'm gonna be your friend,
He said, "I'm gonna be your friend."
And, baby, in high tide or low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
I said I heard my mother,
She was crying' (I heard her crying'), yeah! (crying', crying'),
And the tears that she she'd (the tears that she shed)
They still linger in my head (lingers in my head)
She said: "A child is born in this world,
He needs protection,
God, guide and protect us,
When we're wrong, (when we're wrong), correct us.
And in high seas or low seas,
I'm gonna be your friend,
I'm gonna be your friend.
Said, high tide or low tide,
I'll be by your side,
I'll be by your side.
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