Friday, January 29, 2016

"Let the lower lights be burning"

I was studying in the fascinating book, The Book of Mormon (Get your free copy at this link:, in Alma 50 recently, and I took notice of 2 small verses, which I had not thought too long on before. 

It reads:
Alma 50:30-31 
And behold, they would have carried this plan into effect, (which would have been a cause to have been lamented) but behold, Morianton being a man of much passion, therefore he was angry with one of his maidservants, and he fell upon her and beat her much.   
And it came to pass that she fled, and came over to the camp of Moroni, and told Moroni all things concerning the matter, and also concerning their intentions to flee into the land northward.
You may wonder why I should think very much of those two verses in Alma, but to me, there is a larger story, which unfolds in those two verses.  

I had several questions as I studied the chapter several times. Here are a few questions- of many!
  • Why did this maid servant choose this time of leaving Morianton to go to the "enemy" side, to report the schemes she had learned during her work under Morianton?
  • Surely this maid had been beaten before, why did this particular abuse cause her to run to Moroni?
  • Did God plant the idea to go tell Captain Moroni in this maids thoughts, so that he could keep blessing his righteous people?
  • Was the maid’s only motivation to flee to Moroni, driven only by spite or vengeance? Or something else?
  • What would give this woman the courage to go into the camp of Moroni? Did this maid feel safe in going to Moroni?
  • Is it possible that Moroni’s righteous example had preceded him? Had she long admired what she knew of Moroni?  
  • Could she have at some point met him, or talked with him and been impressed by the kindness that radiated from him?   
  • Does this story have application in our lives?
I have taken some artistic liberty and turned my story, as a way of answering a few questions I had regarding the story.  Completely accurate, or not, I think there are some valid considerations to be made, regarding this seemingly simple story about a maid.

I hope you will also gather a few of your own insights, as you read my story below.
"Sophia's" Story by Christine

There was woman, who was a maid to a very evil, and angry man. (We shall call this nameless woman, Sophia) One night, Sophia's wicked master, Morianton became very angry at her, and he
used his twisted and cruel energies and power to beat up on her. When he drunkenly had finished his relentless injures, Sophia was left in a heap of blood and pain. 

In that heap, Sophia felt angry, yet very foolish, for she had not slept the night prior and with exhausted carelessness she had spilled the water, while helping prepare for a feast to be held in his honor. This made Morianton very angry. (Morianton was a self-centered and arrogant man, and he often had these feasts to celebrate himself, and his intended victories against Moroni.)

Sophia wished she could have fought him off of her, but despite being a strong woman, she was unable to fight against a man of his size and strength. 

Sophia had been a servant her entire life. She was not accustomed to the comforts and ease, that women of wealth enjoyed from their birth. For she was put to work from the time she learned to walk. Her tasks began small, and simple, but grew to be very large and important duties. She was not allowed time for idleness.

Sophia had strong sinuous muscles, and a sharp mind, from having spent years quietly listening and learning from those she waited upon day and night. Because of her skill and diligence, she was always working in the most private of political schemings, and heard even the most secret ploys. Though she was mistreated, she was nonetheless trusted with confidential information.
Being beaten upon by Morianton, or other men, was not a first, but it had never been as severe this time, and she had reason to be afraid, because she had caused him injury as she fought him. 

When she was a safe distance from the camp, and alone in the dark forest-she allowed herself a few moments to weep bitterly. She did not know where to turn, because there would be no safety for her, even if she returned to her parents, for Moriantun was a man of cold-blooded wickedeness and revenge. 

It was in those moments of hopelessness that Sophia had a thought which seemed to give her mind and heart a renewed glimmer of hope. She drew upon her hard-earned strength and intelligence from her life experiences, and determined she would flee from any future nights of suffering. She had wanted to leave before, but on this night she felt compelled to escape this place of evil and danger.

Following that impression, she clutched her ripped robes tightly around herself and she forced her body forward, with a great deal of stumbling and agony, in a steadfast direction toward the camp of Captain Moroni. 

Sophia always smiled at the name of Moroni, for she recalled a tender memory of his respect and kindness when meeting him, when she was just a girl of 10. He was kind to her, and all those around him, and although he was clearly a firm, and determined leader, she sensed a softness in his voice and actions- which she had never seen in any man before. 

Oh, how she missed those happier times, before the wars and contentions began to break out over possession of lands. But Sophia slowed her weary step, as she allowed herself to worry that maybe he had changed in those years since. Maybe he had hardened with the threats and anger over who should have power of land and government.

But, she allowed herself to be led by the light of that happy memory, and that 

memory, as well as word of his reputation, kept her moving forward in faith. Faith that she would be met just as kindly as that childhood day, at a time when she felt such desperation.

Sophia took a less traveled direction, so she would go unnoticed by guards that surrounded her camp, as well as his. She felt the weight of loneliness as she traveled that perilous path toward Moroni's home. She was careful as she journeyed, and did all she could to avoid wild beasts, or the venemous snakes of the forest. 

After a several hours, Sophia felt relief, yet uncertain fear, as she came upon the camp of Captain Moroni. Her thoughts were filled with worried questions. How would she locate Moroni in such a large camp? And if she found him, would he listen to a female? Would he believe her words, or call her an enemy? 

Despite her fears Sophia inched forward in the darkness. She took notice of the lights around the camp, and she sat huddled near a tree, while she listened for some time, so that she could distinguish conversations that might lead her toward Moroni.

She was tired, and thirsty and her belly ached from hunger. And the sting of her swollen, blackened eyes and swollen, cut lips added nothing to her comfort. She finally mustered the courage to step out of the shadows, because there was a boy who walked past, and she felt she might be safe with this youth. Or if not, she felt sure she could successfully fight him, and escape potential danger.

With shaking voice, Sophia asked this youth for water, as a test of his character. The energetic, pleasant boy quickly procured water for her, from a nearby bucket. Sophia thanked him, then in a whisper asked, "I must speak to Moroni, will you take me to him?"

The boy chided that Moroni could not be seen, for he was busy making preparations of war and would not visit with anyone. It was at those words, when a tear stung her cheek, and as she took a step closer to the small torch he held, he finally observed that she was injured. Something about her eyes, softened this youth, and he said, "I will take you to Moroni." 

Her frightening and tormented sojourn toward Captain Moroni was rewarded by the kindness and goodness he treated her with- just as she had remembered of him as a girl; except now, his hair was grayed and his skin leathered with age. 

An example of his kindness was witnessed, even before he spoke directly to her- and before she had spoken directly to him. For Moroni in his initial silence towards he, was quick to call his maids to attend to her wounds with balms and wraps, and to feed her aching stomach. 

As Sophia was attended to, she gave her message regarding her wicked master Morianton. When Moroni heard what she had to say, his heart was filled with compassion towards her, for the courage she displayed. And, though very kind with Sophia, a crease of vigilant concern ran across Moroni’s brow, as he contemplated the lamentation that such a stratagem as taking possession of the land Northward would mean to his people. 

Moroni's heart was raised to defense and anger against Morianton. It was, for this cause, that Moroni speedily excused himself from Sophia’s presence. He knew he must gather with the brethren to determine a plan, and thus act quickly to halt the evil plans of Morianton. 

But before Moroni departed, all of Sophia's initial fears were melted away by the gentle, kind-hearted compassion he showed her, and his limited words toward her. He made arrangements with his servants, for Sophia to be welcomed to her new home, among his people. Moroni vowed he would not forget her faith in him, and as token of his gratitude for her deliverance of words to help his people, Moroni took an oath that she would be counted a true sister to him.

She would have a place of safety, refuge, and a family. She need never again be concerned that she would be mistreated, for here she would be treated with Godly respect and human dignity, all the remaining days of her life. 

Sophia felt that Moroni was grateful for the words she had delivered to him, for they were to the benefit and protection and liberty of his people- of which she was now included! And with his final words that evening, Moroni was off in haste to fulfill his duties to God, in defending liberty for generations yet to come.

As Sophia fell to sleep with a glowing candle by her bedside, and soft bedding beneath her weary, aching body. She knew her life was changing for the better. And though, she knew faintly of Moroni's God, she was willing to accept this new life, because of the peace and joy that welled up within her spirit-- a strong, life changing feeling, which she had hitherto never known, nor ever before felt. 

The next morning as Sophia awakened to a soft beam of morning light upon her face through a nearby curtain, she pleasantly discovered a savory breakfast had quietly been left on the table by her bedside while she lay sleeping.

Across Sophia’s battered face there came an assured and peaceful smile. She knew that life would still be laden with challenges, but she took joyful consolation from the charity, strength and valiance of Moroni. In her heart, Sophia silently vowed that she would give her life in support of him, and in all of his noble efforts.

With renewed hope and strength, Sophia placed her feet firmly upon the floor, and rose joyfully, for she knew she had awakened to a new, and brighter day.

Sophia was home.

The end.

Does this story have application in our lives?
Sophia’s story is very much like the untold stories of countless thousands. There are, even at this time, men and women who walk a similarly painful journey in this mortal experience.  And often, the most painful injuries are unseen. In their struggles they are beaten down in countless ways, both physically and emotionally.  Unlike “Sophia’s” story, those stories (maybe even your own story) are generally kept secret and hidden in the dark rooms, and back alleys of this world.

I wondered if this maid sought out Moroni because he was a beacon of light in her dark existence.  After all, here is this woman, who has been beaten down to submission in her life.  She probably believes all, or most, of the lies she has been told by him.  Lies declaring that she is worth nothing. Lies denouncing that she could ever inherit any good thing in this world, or the next. When in truth, you and I, and this maid, all have the glorious of eternity available to us!
It is with that speculation, that I feel this maid must have either known of Moroni’s example to others, or she personally had seen his example in action.  Either way, this maid was willing to go to Moroni in her time of need. I am just guessing, but I think she could see his radiance, and she was drawn to that.
I never thought much of example and influence, as I do now at this point of my life, but I have come to understand that the example of others can be profoundly impactful. I see now that a man or woman of integrity and goodness, can aide in altering the lives of others in not just a positive way, but also in and eternal way! 
I know firsthand, that the example of righteous people can be a beacon of light and goodness- which can help light the way through the storms of life.  I have often been blessed by the stalwart example of others- and am so, even now.
If we look around, we will be able to find examples to emulate. The ultimate example to follow is that of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  He was, and is, a perfect man in all regards. Jesus, made no mistakes, and had a clear vision of His identity and purpose, and he is the only gate, which lead leads us home to our Heavenly parents. The Savior is the only way to eternal life.
We have also been blessed with the privilege of prayer and scriptures. Heavenly Father has provided righteous men and women upon this earth, to follow the Savior’s pattern of living.
According to the scriptures, there IS a true and living prophet upon this earth. Currently, his name is Thomas S. Monson, and when his time on earth is complete, another man of
righteousness will be called.
There are other leaders, who are here to help bless and direct the saints toward righteousness.  These leaders include, but are not limited to, stake presidents, bishops, elders quorum presidents, relief society presidents, and many others. 
More importantly, some leaders will never have a prominent tittle, or any tittle at all! They may be a neighbor or a trusted friend.  But, in all cases, a true, good leader, and a righteous example, will be someone who leads us to Christ.
·         Several scriptures support this concept of how we can identify what is good (And there are a LOT more, so go study and study them out! :)

Moroni 7:24
24 And behold, there were divers ways that he did manifest things unto the children of men, which were good; and all things which are good cometh of Christ; otherwise men were fallen, and there could no good thing come unto them.
·         Moroni 10:6
6 And whatsoever thing is good is just and true; wherefore, nothing that is good denieth the Christ, but acknowledgeth that he is.
·         Moroni 7:11
11 For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water; neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water; wherefore, a man being a servant of the devil cannot follow Christ; and if he follow Christ he cannot be a servant of the devil.
·         Moroni 7:13
13 But behold, that which is of God inviteth and enticeth to do good continually; wherefore, every thing which inviteth and enticeth to do good, and to love God, and to serve him, is inspired of God.

Today, Heavenly Father led me to a talk, which, to me, seemed so ideal for my blog post!  I cuddled with my sweet 11-year old girl, who was home sick from school today.  I asked her what stuck out to her, and then I discussed those points, and others, which had impacted me.  My time with my sweetheart, was a little bit of heaven on earth for me!
 “Placed around the world, temples have their own unique look and design on the outside, but inside they all contain the same eternal light, purpose, and truth. In 1 Corinthians 3:16 we read, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?” We too as daughters of God have been placed all around the world, like temples, and we each have our own unique look and outward design, like temples. We also have a spiritual light within us, like temples. This spiritual light is a reflection of the Savior’s light. Others will be attracted to this brightness.”
“We have our own roles on the earth—from daughter, mother, leader, and teacher to sister, wage earner, wife, and more. Each is influential. Each role will have moral power as we reflect gospel truths and temple covenants in our lives.”
More than a hundred years ago, a well-known Protestant preacher, Dwight L. Moody, shared a story of a ship trying to enter the Cleveland harbor on a very stormy night.
The ship’s captain could see the bright light of the Cleveland harbor lighthouse. However, the lower lights weren’t visible at all. The lower lights were the way that ships identified the centerline of the safe entry to a harbor.
Because the lower lights were not burning that night, the ship missed the entrance to the harbor and crashed into rocks. Many lives were lost.
At the end of his sermon, Moody said, “Brethren, the Master will take care of the great lighthouse; let us keep the lower lights burning.”27
One of the members of Moody’s congregation that day was a man named Philip Paul Bliss, a musician. Bliss was so inspired by the lesson in Moody’s sermon that he wrote a hymn, which in our hymnbook is entitled “Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy.” Many of you will be familiar with the hymn. All of you should be. With the image of the lighthouse and these experiences in mind, listen to the first verse of that hymn:
Brightly beams our Father’s mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.
Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.

The lighthouse of God’s love for His children is ever present and never moving. Some people will see it and will be drawn to it, but they may not know how to get to it. They will be looking for someone—some lower light—to show them the safe passage to that light. Their feelings may be like those found in a letter President Monson received from a less-active member of the Church: “I know where the Church is, but sometimes I think I need someone else to show me the way, encourage me, take away my fear, and bear testimony to me.”29

There may be many around you in the places in which you stand who are in the same position. They want to do what is right, they want to have greater peace in their lives, and they want to come closer to God, but they are unsure of how to do it. Your example may provide the lower lights they need to see the safe passage. More may depend on your scripture study, prayer, and covenant keeping than just your well-being. Others may be affected by your doing these things as well
I feel genuine sorrow for those of you, who have experienced any form of abuse. I can feel added empathy for the abused, because I have experienced a life of it.  I suppose that is why I can relate to this maid.  I have felt powerless, and afraid at these times.  I have felt the psychological effects of believing the lies of my self-worth, and even still I must fight daily against believing the labels of past or present falsehoods that people may try to label me as.
With all that said, I have been blessed by taking responsibility for my personal efforts and righteousness. When I decided to give my life to God, I learned that he really could make more out of my life, than I could.  In humbling myself before God, he was able to perform miracles. Miracles I never imagined possible. Miracles that filled me with hope in his greater vision. 
My life is not perfect. But I am at grateful for my blessings, and I am at peace within myself.  Consequently, miracles regularly occur in some very serious situations in my life. Heavenly Father doesn’t smooth out all situations as we’d like, because God does not take away the agency of any of us, His children. But God can help you smooth out your spirit to be at peace, and he can help you to change unhealthy thinking, into healthy thinking. Healthy thinking is at the core of trying to live a righteous life.
As we sojourn through life, let us make sure we choose good people, with noble and righteous desires to follow after. Let us use care in the examples we follow. 
Let us also make sure that we are a light for others to follow, that we may help them to find a home with Christ.
Sincerely, Christine
P.S. My words today are of an especially spiritual basis of finding a better way of living, but if you are in physical danger, and harm, please escape that situation immediately. 
Unlike the days of this maid, there were not the resources of safety that can be found now.  There are shelters, police, and LDS church leaders, which can either help you, or who can help you locate the help you need in your area.
You have the strength to do all things, through Christ! (Philippians 4:13)

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